


Queen Euphoria is the first daughter born of the star dust and the sparkling planets.


It is said that she was born from the cries of the unhappiness heard from all over the galaxy.

She was birthed to balance the darkness. She brings light, happiness, peace and love to all those she come across.

She is the embodiment of love in all of its forms.


Currently disguised among the land of humans, she observes their human life and spreads euphoria. She knows the universe is full of energy and is careful how she uses hers to influence the world around her. Although she possesses all good qualities, she is not tolerant to evil deeds and uses her empathic powers to change the flow of energy and time. She is ageless and consists of pure energy.


She can also take on many forms. This is why her outfit consists of a clear see-through jacket, that emphasizes her want for others to see that all becomes clear once you accept yourself and love unapologetically.



Photographer and Art Director : Manon Thore @nothorma


Story & Model : @reneedreamsart

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